Hello! I was tagged by the fabulous Nory from Fierce Makeup and Nails with this tag! This is the Nail Polish Tag, so here we go!
Here are the rules
1. Answer 10 questions
2. Pass this tag to 5 bloggers
3. Make sure that the bloggers you tagged know about this.
Here are the questions:
1. How many polishes do you have?
I'm afraid to count! (maybe I should do that)
2. What is your favorite brand of nail polish?
It's a tie between China Glaze, OP,I and Orly
3. Do you like crackle nail polish, or do you hate it?
I liked it when it first started, I think it was a fun idea, but some can be frustrating if you don't put it on just right.
4. What is your first nail polish brand?
We'll go with OPI, or Kiss. I can't remember from when I was a kid.
5. If you're going to have a nail polish line, what are you gonna name it?
Ummmm........Sweet Pea? My dad calls me that. I'd have to really think about it, there are lots of different nicknames!
6. What nail polish color does not compliment you?
7. What color does compliment you?
Greens, Blues
8. Name two of your best nail art friends.
I can't pick just two!
9. What was the best nail polish gift you have ever received?
My stamping plates from my brother!
10. Make a speech about thanking the blogger who tagged you.
Hi Everyone! I just want to say a big Thank You to Nory from Fierce Makeup and Nails for tagging me! I love getting tagged and can't wait for you guys to read this!
Now onto the Tagging.....
4 My World
Thanks again Nory! These are fun!